Hundreds of people gathered on a riverside beach recently early one Saturday morning. Dozens of new believers, young and old, had chosen to be baptized, and their friends and family joined in the celebration to witness new life begin. Truly, a sight to see!
“J” was one of those new believers eager to make that commitment; a public declaration to follow Jesus, and a team from Transitional Youth were there to witness another milestone and miracle.
I personally believe, witnessing the birth of a new baby and, witnessing a baptism of a new believer, are so similar, both miraculous!
“J” has stepped into a new life. He has made a commitment to Christ, and a commitment to the new life God has for him. He is putting in the hard work every day and taking sure and solid steps to embrace this new life. In less than a year, “J” has graduated high school, gotten his drivers license, bought a car, and has full-time employment. All major milestones we get to celebrate with him!
There were hundreds of people on the beach that day, each one for purpose, whether to make the commitment of baptism themselves, or there to support a loved one. For me, this was such a powerful reminder of the village we need around us as we take steps for change, and encourage those who are taking these brave steps.
Thank you for being a part of this village, that leads young people to freedom!
Please pray for “J“ as he continues on in the great adventures God has in store for him.