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Bringing Harmony to Broken Places

“Harmony” extends to Braking Cycles Coffee and Bike Shop as a new mural has been designed and created by our girls from Harmony House.

This massive canvas on 33rd and Powell delivers a message of hope to our girls and to the community around them as they put their gifts and passion into action.

One of the pillars in Transitional Youth is helping our young people tap into their God-given dreams, and giving them a platform to put those dreams into action. Our mission; “Inspiring Vision, Unlocking Potential, Equipping to Advance.” And that’s exactly what has been happening the past few weeks.

One of our girls said, “I’ve always dreamed of doing something with my art, but I had no idea I would have this kind of opportunity and impact. I hope this message will show people there is still hope in the world and strength in simple things.” She went on to share how a caterpillar turns to absolute mush before it becomes a butterfly and how that’s a reminder to her that God does miracles in those quiet hidden places. “I know because God is doing a work like that in me.”

A huge thank you to artist, Monica Milligan, for helping our girls bring life to their dreams!

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