…this is not only true in the physical sense, but it’s also a powerful metaphor for our teens and young adults as they face the harshness of their circumstances, for a better tomorrow.
All four of our homes are busy in planting season, as we prepare the ground for new seeds, and new life. Our community of churches, families, and businesses are rallying around us as we pull weeds, build garden beds and plant seeds that will bring a rich harvest when it’s time.
Some are coming alongside by pushing a wheelbarrow and tilling up the soil, others come alongside a young man as he practices for his GED. Another invests her time by rocking a baby to sleep while a young mama finishes up homework. Another teaches a youth how to use power tools as they work together to build a chicken coop. While another teaches how to make a cup of coffee or work on a bike. All are investing, all are planting seeds.
As the community rallies, they often ask what our young people need. The truth is, they need exactly what our own children need…. Those day-to-day moments of encouragement, unconditional love, prayers, and support that says no matter what, I believe in you. They need the coffee dates, and walks, the hikes and tossing a football or baseball. They need someone to just be present and simply listen without trying to fix them. They need those midnight prayers that draw us to our knees, and the tears we cry when we are so desperate we don’t know what else to do. They need all of those things...because just like with your own children, if you weren’t crying and praying for them, who else would be?
As we look to a new season of planting seeds of hope, peace and freedom, we are so grateful to each of you for planting too. We couldn’t do this without you. The truth is, we wouldn’t want to, because these young people need you too.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9